22.) Eric Percher

Eric Percher is a fine art photographer working in New York City. Bellow are images from “The Work” series, which is a semi-biographical response to his seven-year experience working in the financial offices and cubicles of Midtown, Manhattan. His goal for this project is to examine the impact of organizational and architectural structures on those that labor inside. Through this series Percher considers the limitations we accept in order to ensure success.

The images discuss the underlying drawbacks of the belief that working long hours at a desk job is the only way to truly ensure financial stability and quality of life. The reality of the desk job is much different than that. These workers often find themselves isolated, working late night shifts and absurd hours just to maintain what they think is a stable lifestyle, when in reality it is not sustainable at all. The photographs illuminate the tension and sacrifice required to achieve, then maintain success. The question that these images pose is how fulfilling is this work to the spirit and life of the individual, or is it just an exchange of labor for dollars? By considering this, the viewer is able to step into the life of an office worker and develop some empathy for their situation, and also consider their own plight.

Eric Percher, Josh on 18


Eric Percher, Julia on 16


Eric Percher, John on 14